Saturday, July 12, 2008


Our flight leaves Fresno in just a couple of hours!

My Father in Heaven, whose name is Holy:
I want to see your Kingdom here, I want Your Will to be done.
Father, provide for my needs today as You did yesterday.
I beg You to forgive my debts, as I have forgiven those owed me.

That last line bothers me--I tend to hold on to debts for the day that I might owe them. The other day, my roommate didn't wash his dishes. It bothered me, but I didn't say anything because I had left stuff out in the living room. Instead of just talking about it, or forgiving something so trivial and moving on, I started tallying. I tallied because I owed him a debt, and I wanted to be owed a larger debt. I suck like that.

That last line bothers me because it's a conditional statement. It bothers me because I have been forgiven, yet I hold on to IOU's for longer than I want mine held onto.

Father, continue to make me more like You. Give me the courage and strength to let go of my imagined power, and to forgive recklessly.

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